Jakarta, 12 November 2021 - The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia awarded the 2021 Mitra Bhakti Husada (MBH) award to companies that implement the Healthy, Productive Women Workers Movement (GP2SP) to PT Garudafood Putra Putri Jaya Tbk (Pati Factory, Central Java) on the online/virtual commemoration of the 57th National Health Day (HKN) in 2021.
The award is a form of the government's appreciation for institutions that play a role and contribute in efforts to overcome the health crisis amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and to strengthen the health service sector, including Healthy Living Community Movement (Germas)/Clean and Healthy Lifestyle (PHBS); Maternal Child Health (KIA)/Stunting and Disaster Response (including the COVID-19 pandemic).
The GP2SP carried out by Garudafood was independently assessed and verified by a team assigned by the Ministry of Health. An assessment is carried out for each company, this is expected to support and promote the health of women workers. The solid collaboration between the Pati BU Team and the local Integrated Health Center, the systematic, massive, and consistent pandemic management efforts that have been carried out by Garudafood, including consistently conducting surveillance tests (rapid test antigens) to increase Testing and Tracing efforts as part of the epidemiological investigation and contact tracing process to break the chain of COVID-19 transmission.
As an effort to overcome the health crisis amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, Garudafood carried out mass vaccinations not only for employees but also facilitated employees' families, business partners, and the surrounding community through a CSR program by collaborating with the District Health Office (DKK), Kodim and Resort Police in accelerating the vaccine program in Pati, Central Java.