WartaEkonomi.co.id Research and Consulting for the second time in a row has appointed PT Garudafood Putra Putri Jaya Tbk as the recipient of the award: Indonesia Best CSR Award 2022 with Outstanding Program in Economic Empowerment and Education, Category: Consumer Goods on Thursday, June 30, 2022.
With the theme "Increasing Responsibility to Build a Sustainable Business", Warta Ekonomi assessed that Garudafood implemented the corporate social responsibility program very well in building a continuous business, especially in preparing for economic growth after the COVID-19 pandemic.
Garudafood Sehati is considered consistent in fostering the Entrepreneurial Village Program in various regions so that it succeeds in exploring the potential that exists in the community, especially housewives so that this program is able to open opportunities for the community and at the same time succeed in building empathy for the Garudafood brand itself for the future of the company.