The Ministry of Manpower, through the Directorate of Productivity, in collaboration with the National Productivity Institute (LPN) and DPN APINDO, held a Technical Guidance (Bimtek) on Modeling Productivity Improvement in the Business and Industrial World (DUDI) on Monday, 01 November 2021 at Grand Sahid Hotel Jakarta.
The Technical Guidance is part of a series of "roadshows" of the National Movement to Improve Productivity and Competitiveness (GNP2DS). The highlight of this event will be held in early 2022 as the year of Productivity and Competitiveness Improvement which will be inaugurated by the President of the Republic of Indonesia – Ir. Joko Widodo.
The “DUDI” Productivity Improvement Modeling Technical Guidance was attended by 11 (eleven) company representatives. The company representatives, under the auspices of DUDI, will serve as models for increasing productivity and present the "best practices" of 3 (three) DUDI companies that have successfully implemented productivity models in each of their companies. Garudafood, as one of the 3 (three) DUDI companies, that will participate in sharing experiences and successes in increasing productivity. This event was also attended by Dr. Gazmahadi, Director of Productivity Development of the Ministry of Manpower, Dr. Hariyadi Sukamdani Chairman of DPN APINDO, Prof. Dr. Bomer Pasaribu, SE.SH.MS Coordinator of the National Productivity Institute (LPN). Before the speakers delivered their presentation, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between LPN and 11 (eleven) DUDI Companies. This event was also attended by Andika Rajasa, Head of HC & GA representing Garudafood.
In addition, the Technical Guidance also invited Ir. Sanggam Purba, MM (Productivity Expert and Member of LPN), Dr. Dasep Suryanto, MM (DUDI Representative and Member of LPN), and Dr. (C). Yosminaldi, SH.MM (Chairman of ASPHRI & member of LPN) to share their knowledge and experience in preparing test systems and mechanisms for productivity improvement models, leadership in increasing productivity, and the role of competence in increasing productivity.