Cianjur, 05 December 2022 - A 5.6-magnitude quake hit the Cianjur region in West Java and surrounding areas on Monday (21/11/2022) at 13.21 WIB. Thousands of people became victims of this disaster and the affected communities are still occupying refugee posts as their houses were completely damaged.
Considering the dire conditions, Garudafood Sehati collaborated with Kampung Dongeng Indonesia (KaDo) to hold the "2022 CIANJUR EARTHQUAKE PSYCHOSOCIAL ASSISTANCE" through trauma healing activities on 4-13 December 2022 in several refugee camp locations in Cianjur with more than 1,000 child beneficiaries. This event was packaged in the form of children's fairy tales, singing, and playing, aiming to help ease the psychological burden that arises after a disaster, especially for the affected children. The event aims to support them to recover psychologically and be ready to continue their activities as before.
The Garudafood Sehati assistance distribution partners are CT Arsa Foundation, Daarut Tauhiid Peduli, Rumah Zakat, Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (BAZNAS), Yayasan Melati Bersih, Sekolah Relawan, Keluarga Buddhayana Indonesia (KBI), Jurnalis Mancing Indonesia, Yayasan Masjid Nurul Hidayah, Karang Taruna, Manpower & Transmigration Office in Cianjur, ICRP, GUSDURian, and PMI Central Jakarta.
The humanitarian assistance program is one of the Company's responsibilities to the community, regardless of ethnicity, religion, race, and group. Garudafood Sehati hopes that this can help accelerate the post-disaster recovery in Cianjur so the community can recover faster and stronger.