Jakarta, 18 November 2021 - This time the National Standardization Agency (BSN) will hold the SNI Award 2020/2021 - The 16th National Quality Award of Indonesia on Thursday, 18 November 2021 in Jakarta. The SNI Award is a national-scale award from the government to give appreciation to organizations that have consistently applied the SNI, displayed superior performance, and are globally competitive. PT Garudafood Putra Putri Jaya Tbk Gresik & Rancaekek received the 2020/2021 SNI Award for the Gold category. The award was given by the Head of the BSN. Drs. Kukuh S Achmad, M.Sc accompanied by Dr. Dra. Zakiyah, MM, Deputy for Standard Implementation & Conformity Assessment of BSN to Rudy Brigianto, Director of Garudafood as a representative of the Gresik unit, and Sofyan Iskandar as the representative of the Rancaekek unit.
Garudafood through its 2 factories, namely Gresik, East Java, and Rancaekek, Sumedang-West Java actively participates in the SNI Award. The Gresik factory, East Java, won the 'Gold with Appreciation' category from the BSN team and the jury.
Although the application of SNI in the biscuit category is not mandatory, Garudafood is committed to consistently running it and continues to make continuous improvements in all of its business processes to create products with the best product quality standards.